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Circuit Breaker Basics: Signs You Need Emergency Electrical Repairs

Circuit breakers serve as a safety feature in your electrical system by monitoring the flow of electricity and turning that flow off when there are concerns about safety. Any time something happens that suddenly changes the electricity flow, the breaker trips and shuts off the circuit for your own safety. If you're dealing with repeatedly tripping breakers, that's a sign that you have an electrical problem you need to address immediately.

What can cause a breaker to trip? 

Circuit breakers typically trip as a result of a short circuit, ground fault problem, or excess power draw on the circuit. Sometimes, a power surge can also cause a breaker to trip. Essentially, anything that disrupts the current and creates a potential safety concern could trip the circuit breaker. Because of the inherent safety role of circuit breakers, you need to address tripping breakers immediately with an emergency electrician for your family's safety.

How can you tell when a breaker trips?

The first indication of a tripped breaker is typically the loss of power to that portion of the electrical circuit. If you suddenly lose power in one area of your house while the rest is fine, that's an indication that you have a tripped breaker. Scan your breaker panel for any breakers that are no longer sitting in the "ON" position. Sometimes the breaker is just barely shifted toward the center, but any shift indicates that the breaker tripped. Try turning it off and then flipping it back on. If the power is restored and the breaker doesn't trip again, it was likely an anomaly. However, if the breaker trips again after being reset, you need an emergency electrician to identify the cause of the problem.

Did you overload the circuit?

Consider what was happening when the breaker tripped. For example, did you just turn on an appliance or plug something in? If so, there's a chance that you simply overloaded the circuit. Unplug everything from that circuit and only use what is absolutely necessary until you can have an electrician test it and find the source of the issue.

Any time you're dealing with electrical issues, including circuit breakers, it's in your best interest to leave it to the professionals. They have the training and expertise to handle your electrical emergencies safely and without risking serious injuries or further damage to the electrical circuit. Talk with an emergency electrician right away to deal with your breaker problems.
