Worried About Lightning? Protect Your Home And Family With These Solutions Today

If there are a lot of storms where you live and you worry about lightning a lot, then it's time to get a lightning rod professionally installed. Homeowners spent almost a billion dollars on claims due to lightning in 2022, so it's better to be safe than sorry. Lightning doesn't just do damage to the home or property when it strikes, but can be fatal for homeowners who are hit or electrocuted. [Read More]

Residential Electrical Maintenance Services That Can Protect Your Home From Electrical Fires

Protecting your home from safety hazards like electrical fires is a top priority for any homeowner. Electrical fires can start in many places, from overloaded circuits to faulty wiring. Residential electrical maintenance services can protect your home and family from potential dangers. With regular inspections and preventive maintenance, you can ensure issues with your electrical system are identified early on and resolved before they become a serious safety concern. Here are critical residential electrical maintenance services you should regularly schedule: [Read More]

4 Exterior Lighting Ideas A Residential Electrician Can Implement To Transform Your Backyard

Do you ever look at your backyard and wish it had a little more sparkle or that the night-time ambiance was something out of a dream? Take your outdoor environment to the next level with exterior lighting ideas from a residential electrician! Transform your porch, deck, patio, and even pool area by creating an inviting atmosphere that will make you never want to leave your backyard. Read on to learn more about four ways you can upgrade the look and feel of your outdoor living space! [Read More]

Do You Need New Commercial Lighting?

If the incandescent light fixtures in your building flicker, burn out easily, or even refuse to come on, you may need a new commercial lighting system in your building. Although incandescent lighting can create a warm and inviting environment in your building, it may not be the best type of lighting for your workers or budget. Learn more about incandescent lighting and why you need new commercial lighting below. What's Incandescent Lighting? [Read More]